Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Quick Lift

PT and warm up

4x10/10/10/8/10 BB bench w. 45/95/115/125/115
alt. 4x10 Lat Pull Down w. 30/45/55/55

4x10 BB DL w. 45/135/185/185
4x10ea DB SL Sq w. 0/20/20/25

2x[20 vups w. 10lbs
10ea vlifts
Bosu ball Plank]

Meh decent work but also a bit broken. Shin splits. Gotta do the work to make those better. Hopefully I can run soon.

Long Swim

Quick Swim