Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

3 in a row!

4x12 Shoulder Circuit w. 5/8/8/5
alt. 4x12 Goblet Sq 45/55/65/75

3x12ea Rotator Cuff w band
alt. 3x8 Sq Upright Rows w. 20/25/25
alt. 3x8ea sl DB DL w. 40/45/50

3x8 Lower Back Extensions w. 6lb MedBall
alt. 3x8 DB seated shoulder press w. 17.5/17.5/20
alt. 3x12 DB DL w. 32.5/35/35

Wow I have been working outtttt. Nice. Feeling more fit and more healthy which is great.

4 in a row

Another Swim Practice