Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Another Open Mic

Some things I’ve been learning in the process of creating events: It’s never going to work as well as you want. Could not find an event photographer. Could not have the full line up. Still can’t find a weekend venue. People are busy, or cancel coming, or cancel performances. For some reason, less creation this time. Less dancing, especially as acts cleared up.

But what I want and what actually happens are different things. And what I’m really trying to be better with being less attached to the disappointment of what I wanted to happen, and more engaged in what is happening.

Which is to say magic.

There’s pure skill and talent in the artists from Maddie’s multimedia performance, to Jared’s rampant art all over everything, to Catherine’s violin rendition, to Peter’s photo capture.

And there was courage, in the readings and music that stood in front of the mic for their first times [or second…], stuttering and stumbling through the lines and finding out the dim limelight still shines bright.

[Reminder, it’s worth shining on you, and it’s sort of an addicting feeling]

More than anything, that’s what I’m proud of. Building a space to share all levels of art and talent, to encourage risk taking and sharing, and to be inclusive and interested in each other.

See, you really can’t fail when the room loves you. And I’m trying to make a room where we all love each other. Therefore it’s a room in which no one can fail.

I also am proud of my growth. I thought my reading this time were much better.

I’m proud of my friends, who all came together to make a great space, from all the art pieces to individual people. Everyone contributed, but like last time, Joey and Jared fill the venue with so much love that firmly buttressed the atmosphere. I can only be extremely grateful for them and their work.

Lots of friends had good times, and I’m particularly surprised by the sincerity of enjoyment from people who didn’t think they’d jive. I think because the event is so uniquely unexpected. I’m hoping that the combination of surprise and appreciation and engagement makes the event sticky. I can’t reach quite monthly meetings. Constraints for now on performers/art and people’s schedules and my own sanity. But I could easily see this as a once or twice quarterly event, averaging 5 a year.

Every time will be different. I’m becoming fine with that. Every time will somehow fall from my lofty expectations. I’m getting better with that. But I want to still strive to make each bigger, better, more engaging, more interesting, more celebratory.

VolIII and 444 will be big stepping stones. These will hopefully also transition a little work to two or three others. Peter for photography and interactive art. Peter and Joey for booking acts and décor. Someone to help with booking venues. Someone for gift making.

5 will be strictly exclusive celebratory. Make one so good, everyone wants to be there but can’t.


Weekend Venue -> Late night Techno

Photo Ops -> 2 Event Photographers

Create -> Art Wall, Fridge door to showcase

Cater -> Re-up food and drink during transition into LNT

Gifts -> Stickers, T-Shirt, Tokens, Tickets?

Pre-Sale -> 5$ and 25$ to raise money and keep commitments

Guestbook -> Make a nice one

Artists -> QR codes to give out social media/websites

Line-Up on the Blog

Lots to do. Let’s engage partners. Art directors for the shirts/ads/guestbook
Someone to be Artist contact? Collect contact information
Gotta make some gifts!

VolIII, be there! August weekend!

Picture album below from Peter Frantellizzi!
Dear Bourdain.

Dear Bourdain.

Finding Iron