Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Bad Habits

Bad Habits

My first memorized poem comes much from the inspiration of Charles Bukowski who was more than willing to admit his flaws as a person. But also I stole lines from Zadie Smith. White Teeth is one of her titles and she describes the English boarding school youth as chain smoking fags in the school alleyways: “halves, saves, butt, roach” combine our slag with her ideas of youths burning life by any means for excitement and connection.

Please Enjoy!

Bâtard Tribeca: A Culinary Experience

Bâtard Tribeca: A Culinary Experience

Getting Saved By a Vietnamese Boat Lady

Getting Saved By a Vietnamese Boat Lady